Monday, September 03, 2007

Older is better...

Yeah - that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
There's no news like bad news. The tabloids are full of accidents, gory murders, and mayhem, and people eat it up. But there may be a silver lining, at least for seniors. A new study finds that the human brain reacts less strongly to emotionally negative stimuli as we age, in effect making us more responsive to all things positive and less responsive to the dark and dismal. This bolsters a growing body of evidence showing that aging changes how the brain reacts to emotional stimuli. [More]
As farms across the US (and the globe, for that matter) struggle with succession issues, understanding how different-aged minds work is crucial to establishing working rules and family harmony. In fact, as we see astonishing leaps in longevity, incorporating the point of view of the older partners can offset perhaps the up-tightness too often the plague of mid-career farmers.

Another reason not to move to PHX.

[via 3Quarks]

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