Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Me, too...

All the Big League Bloggers are posting their Ten Most Influential Books, so...
  1. The Lord of the Rings
  2. Danny Dunn and the Anti-Gravity Paint
  3. Our Friend, the Atom
  4. Language in Thought and Action
  5. Things Fall Apart
  6. The Happiness Hypothesis
  7. The Source
  8. The Chronicles of Narnia
  9. The One Best Way
  10. The History of the English-Speaking Peoples
  11. The Aubrey-Maturin Series
  12. The Art of Loving
(I included twelve in case two were wrong.)


Anonymous said...


If I can suggest a book. The Alchemy of Air by Thomas Hager. It is a book about nitrogen for fertilizer and explosives. An especially good section about the german scientist Haber and engineer Bosch who perfected the chemical process of industrial nitrogen fixation. The process that provides the fertilizer necessary to feed the world.

Anonymous said...


2 more books to suggest to you and all.
Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy. This should be required reading for everyone wanting to coach youth sports.
The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. If you are open to it, this book will increase your faith dramatically and change your life.

David Aussieker