Sunday, December 23, 2007

I can see for miles and miles...

Great 2008 predictions for your consideration:

Subject: The Internet
While major internet service providers like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast all plan to upgrade their backbones, it will be a year or two before improvements begin to show. By then, internet television will be in full bloom, spammers will have multiplied ten-fold, WiFi will be embedded in every moving object, and users will be screaming for yet more capacity.

In the meantime, accept that surfing the web is going to be more like travelling the highways at holiday time. You’ll get there, eventually, but the going won’t be great.
Subject: Commodities
Within the grains sector, we expect corn and wheat to continue to deliver the best returns, while in materials and fibres, we continue to believe the prospects for US cotton prices are good.

We remain bullish on the oilseeds sector, particularly the soybean crop. Demand - especially from China - is anticipated to continue to exert pressure on supply.
Subject: US economy
With US growth barely positive through mid-2008, even a small shock will push the economy over the edge

For the past two years, Global Insight has been saying that it would take two or more shocks to trigger a US recession. There is a growing risk that such a scenario may be about to unfold.

The combination of the housing/subprime crisis and higher oil prices could be enough to push growth into negative territory. If oil prices continue to fall, and end up in the $75-80/barrel range early in 2008, the US economy will probably be able to escape recession.
Subject: Media
Daily newspapers begin to redefine the word "daily." At least one U.S. newspaper in a top-100 market will stop taking "daily" literally and drop its (historically thin) Saturday print edition. Other papers in smaller markets also do so, in some cases going further by dropping print publication on another day as well.

More as I find them.

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