Saturday, June 07, 2008

You knew they could raise barns...

But they can also raze silos. One Amish man drops a concrete block silo. His name is Reuben Zook from near Rockville, IN. The silo was about 3 miles from my home - just happened to be driving by.

OK - this is my first video attempt, and I did get a little jumpy when it came down...


threecollie said...

Yowsa, I can understand the getting jumpy part!

Anonymous said...

Wow. What bravado!

A gaggle of local Amish men took down a silo of mine last year. They had an ancient scaffolding that they erected inside, ratcheted themselves up and down, and starting at the top they dropped each block down the outside onto a pile of hay. In and out of here in two days.