Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Master of the House...

Jan and I have been huge fans of Hugh Laurie for years. In fact, we were astonished when he began the role of House - we had never seen him in a drama. But if you want to see what he can do with pure comedy, check out this.
The rest is hysteria. In time, this would mean Jeeves and Wooster, with twitchy Laurie as the twit and Fry as the heroic valet, but the purest expression of Fry-&-Laurieness is now available for your ravenous consumption in the form of A Bit of Fry & Laurie—The Complete Collection ... Every Bit!, which gathers every superlatively clever, terrifically asinine, and absolutely inexplicable moment from the four seasons of their BBC sketch show. Its 13 hours are a monument to the comedians' moment of love at first sight—of discovering someone else who took silliness very seriously. Just look at the facial hair they glued on to inhabit their hundreds of clowns over the years. [More]
For my money some of his best work was with Rowan Atkinson in Blackadder. Also we recommend Jeeves and Wooster. The man is a genius on the stage.

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